Cat v.8663.1_Beta5_Hemlock_Win7_Nov11 for 7x64
Maybe this 920 is cursed?
Well its all fubarred up. Had to use AFterburner to up the fan speeds with the latest non-beta ATI drivers. Still freezes when tryin to run Vantage. I'm gonna take a break from it, re-image the partition and start fresh again.
Some interesting information...............
I re-imaged the partitions and staretd from scratch. Installed "Display" drivers only from the ATI recommended beta 5 for win7. Then i installed latest MSI Afterburner.
Out of the box, afterburner doesn't let you control fan speeds here. So I went into user defined fan profiles and jacked it up. This resulted in card#1 ramping up fan speeds while card#2 did not change. Heres the interesting part....... When i set msi AB to osd for gpu temps 1,2,3, and 4, suddenly card#2 fan speed jumped to 100% and now they are both running at 100% and temps are dropping. However, Vantage still locks up on the loading screen for Graphic#1 test.
Very well, carry on
Damn it all to hell. Can't run any 3d benches at all. Gonna try Vista now.
Blue screen while tryin to install ATI drivers in Vista