Anything for you honey!
Last night she was running 3dm06 at 5.225GHz 1.55Vc 1.45vtt thru gpu tests, and 5.074GHz 1.5Vc 1.4vtt thru cpu test at -41C (warm in the shop last night). Curiously and slightly off topic, my score was less than my record with the 260-216 on air due to much lower clocks achievable on gpu. I pulled the stock heatsink and re-timmed to no avail. I either damaged the card on ln2 (very brief session right OC? lol) or the drivers blow for the older cards...tried 196.41's and the new 197.45's. Gonna screw with it a bit more this morning, but I think I don't belong doin anything but subzero, I suck on air while sucking air I think.