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DICE & LN2 Cooling If You Have A Pot...

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Old 07-12-2009
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Default Where do i find ln2

I am seriously thinking of getting an LN2 pot so I can go extreme on multiple boards. Problem is, I have no clue where to buy it from?? I know several of you run LN2 so am curious if you buy it from a gas company or ???? I've found AirGas that sells it but haven't yet been able to get a quote (they're closed today :( ) Roughly what does it cost and how do you buy it??

Would really appreciate your knowledgeable insight

Thanks and Mahalo

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Old 07-12-2009
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I've used both Airgas and Praxair locally. They were within 2% of each other price wise.
So far I've been paying $120-$130 for 30L. Friend pointed me to a place where I should be able to get it for about $2L, name escapes me at the moment, will update later. You can also check local welding supply shops, sometimes they have excellent prices

Hope that helps, prices should be pretty close seeing as you are nearby
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Old 07-12-2009
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Gaspro/Airgas would be the locations to pick up LN2 from. Some locations don't carry it so call ahead. They also carry DICE. Prices vary.

If you need an LN2 pot, you can either go to kingpincooling.com and get one of Vince's F1EE cpu pots or troll the various forums for someone making a decent custom pot.
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Old 07-12-2009
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I get mine from air gas roughly $80.00 for 60l
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Old 07-12-2009
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I fill my 50 liter from airgas for $25
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Old 07-12-2009
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Here in Southern California I go to Cameron Welding . I get mine for $2.22/liter + $6.00 haz mat handling fee so $61.00 for a 25LD. What's cool about the place is they let me haul it in my Toyota Camry so no need to bug my friends to borrow a pickup. I've called Praxair and Airgas here and quotes are high cause I don't think they wanna be bothered with small volume clients unlike the mom and pop suppliers.
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Old 07-12-2009
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Great info all.. thanks

Another question - do you have to own your own container or do they rent/lease those with the ln2? I've read that dewers can be pretty expensive ?? Approx how many hours oc'ing on 30 liters?

To be honest ohcrap I was thinking of getting a Koolance pot cause they're much cheaper Worth the money to get a kingpin Dragon ?

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Old 07-12-2009
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word on the street is the Koolance pot is fine for dry ice but not good at all for LN2. Chris tested one at Legit Reviews and he knows what he is doing, he said the Koolance pot was garbage for LN2.


another good alternative is a k|ngp|n bullet pot - the name is escaping me right now - but he doesn't have them listed on his site. not sure if Vince is going to make them anymore, but you should be able to find one used for a good price. it is a great little price/performance pot for LN2 and dry ice.

as for LN2, my only advice is to shop around...a lot. as an example, at Air Liquide in my town, they charge almost $6/L for LN2, but at Praxair i get LN2 for $1/L. the variances of price can be pretty drastic, so it is worth the leg work finding a cheap source.
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Old 07-12-2009
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On 30L I can get 2-3 short CPU only sessions or one really long one. Never have benched I7 or GPUs on LN2 though so not really sure how long it would last for that.

As far as a pot goes, the KP bullet shaped pot is the Dragon (Evo?) which had multiple revs up to 2.4 IIRC. It is indeed an excellent value as they can usually be found for only a few dollars more than the Koolance tube is new and completely destroys is in LN2 performance. The only challenge for the Dragon may be finding a 1366 mount for it.

Personally though, I'd probably drop the extra cash for the F1EE if you can swing it. THe way I look at it is the difference in price between a good tube and the best is fairly insignificant relative to the amount of hardware it will cool during its lifetime.

For dewars, Ebay can be an excellent source. I found my 30L in almost perfect condition for under $300 including shipping. If you are patient you can almost always find a deal .
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Old 07-12-2009
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Thanx Duex

There's an AirGas less than a mile from the house.. will have to check it out

Duex ... Dude... you get one long cpu only session off 30 liters? at $1 to $6 a liter I'm hoping it's one long session lol as in, ohh I don't know.. a day and half or so ??? lol Might have to settle for phase for now and save up for a cascade...


Last edited by MaadDaawg; 07-12-2009 at 05:55 PM.
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