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Old 06-26-2009
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Question DrNip's RAM Blues

So far sets that have died on me are 1 of the 3 Kingston HyperX's and 1 of the 3 OCZ Blade's. The Kingston's lasted 1 month and the Blade's lasted 1 day. My Mushkin's lasted a week no prob but I RMA'ed them for some better. My HyperX's I had anywhere from 800MHZ(1600MHZ) to 1100MHZ(2200MHz) with various volts, timings and benches. The Blade's I didn't have much time to play with but had them from 1000MHz(2000MHz) to 1050MHZ(2100MHz) with timings of only 7-8-7-20 1T with only 1.65v DIMM and vtt of 1.325v - 1.45v. The HyperX's I wasn't so much bothered by when they crapped their pants but the Blade's I was as that was a good chunk of change dropped on them. I started this thread so I can get thoughts of what might be goin on. Hellcamino brought it to my attention that it might be my PSU and I will be goin home tonight to do some testing on it.

Last edited by DrNip; 06-26-2009 at 06:24 AM.
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Old 06-26-2009
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I dont think it's a problem with your system or what you are doing. I have heard of many people that have had the Hypers die on them, as far as the Blades go I have no clue as they are so new but I think it's the same story.

Sorry to hear about the RAM sticks dieing on you and it sucks to pay top dollar for these and then more for shipping RMA parts.

So far tho my Reapers are holding up pretty well but not getting the tops speeds you are seeing, but I have yet to push them real hard.
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Old 06-26-2009
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I never had any probs with my PSU on my 790 platform but not to say they don't go out at anytime. I do know these hypers are prone to give out at anytime. My Mushkins weren't hypers they were just plain o elpida's. I will feel better about myself when I get home from work and know its not my PSU, thanx again hellcamino. Either way it goes, PSU or RAM I was out waaay too much money for one of them to go out. Both are OCZ products.
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Old 06-26-2009
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It's definitely worth it to test the 3.3v rail under load when having ram problems.
Are you even remotely serious?

The beatings will continue until morale improves!

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Old 06-26-2009
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Is the death happening in differing slots, or the same slot each time?
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Old 06-26-2009
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Same slots 2, 4 & 6. One set died in the DFI the other in the Classy.

Last edited by DrNip; 06-26-2009 at 07:39 AM.
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Old 06-26-2009
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DrNip might just be on to something hereDrNip might just be on to something here

OK, checked pins 1, 2, 12, & 13 on my PSU and readings were all 3.6v-3.7v. No off the wall readings there so I don't think my PSU is to blame. I checked during a Memtest run to insure my RAM was stressed.
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Old 06-26-2009
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Did you do this under load or with the 24 pin out in your hand? If under load then that is great but if it was fluctuating that much with the plug in your hand it sucks.
Are you even remotely serious?

The beatings will continue until morale improves!

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Old 06-26-2009
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Hmmmm. Seems to still be happening..... I wonder if the tolerance level in Quality Control was changed for these Chips?

I hope I am wrong, but you cannot produce these chips for addicts like us, distribute them to all the manufacturers of the name brands we like. And then have them be crap like this.... Otherwise most of us will shy away until it is proven beyond doubt the new batch is good!

I just installed my Corsair c8's this week (2k's)... They seem rock solid so far and run all over the place just fine.... Now I am worried!
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Old 06-26-2009
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Originally Posted by hellcamino View Post
Did you do this under load or with the 24 pin out in your hand? If under load then that is great but if it was fluctuating that much with the plug in your hand it sucks.
No it was plugged in while running memtest. I am sure it was fluctuating barely as it is hard to get the pins of the multimeter in there good. Only two of the four did this and it was barely at that.

Unfortunately I just found out they don't offer their Advanced RMA for this product like they do their others. They also require you to send in all three sticks unlike Kingston's RMA. So I will be without RAM until either my Kingston's or this get back in. Sux because I have those 4890's going to be winking at me in the corner when they get in. Hell I might miss out on competin in the 01 contest again! :(

Last edited by DrNip; 06-26-2009 at 04:57 PM.
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