ITs fuzzy, as long as either person does not use a specific piece for a specific bench, it is a allowed.
they can pool motherboards and RAM, put a CPU share can only be used on CPU tests, however can be shared for GPU tests.
Splave.ROM eliminates all the issues. If ROM has 2 good GPUs and splave has 2 good GPUs they can 4 way and put it under their name and pass hwbot rules, combined with eithers other stuff.
Anything they use under splave.ROM will still only be usable under that user name. If they use it under another user name...a CPU for GPU can be used for CPU under another user, even other GPU tests, but a GPU can not be used for other GPU tests, but is fine for CPU tests.
It is not Hardware sharing per se. At least as far as the rules go. Maybe there is even a clause for CPUs being reused and hence the team thing