Originally Posted by HybridChiller
olast month i posted some, let's see if i can do something with the memory
that would be pretty awesome!
my board is a DFI nf4 and some how i can't get it to post anymore tried all my cpu and ram
it's giving me a long beep and on the poster it's saying 78
and i looked ^ up and it's saying keyboard and/or video out put but i already tried all my keyboard n'd stuff and samething!
the only time the error code changes to 34 is i replace the PC3200 to a PC4000 ram and other than that it's the samething with different sets it's still showing the samething
and a long beep it's saying bad ram or slot ......
i know the rams are right but if i change out the ram it's reacting to something so i know the slot is ok too so what am i missing?
i already removed the sound card, video card, all the cables
Edit: or if i take out the ram it's showing C1