Being that I'm late and members have been waiting so long for info on the Supes Dubbed "JankPot" I'm gonna spit out info gathered so far. Later, I'll make it all nice and presentable.
I'm pretty sure I had a bad mount and spread of ceramic on the cpu due to the slight shortness of the fastening screws, it was difficult to start the threads. Keep in mind that Travis rigged up a custom mount on the spur of the moment as he was actually sold out of pots when I asked for one.
So with a poor mount I was able to obtain -68c on the E8400 dual core at stock voltage/speed. Using the other beheomoth copper pot I have, I get round -71c. Again, this most likely due to a poor mount.
At around 1.75vcore I saw -42c in the bios while it read 1.71vcore. Still, I was able to run my max fsb on this 790i Ultra SLI board 600x9 for 5.4ghz, bench stable.
One thing I noticed was that this pot doesnt suck down as much dry ice as the copper pot. I used just enough acetone that it was approximately 2mm deep from bottom of the pot, not counting the drill out holes at the bottom. I also crushed the DICE as much as possible prior to placing in the pot.
I wanted to use this pot on my 790i FTW Analog Edition but opted for the Ultra board because the Jankpot Mount interfered with the water cooled Vregs on the FTW board. The bolt down plate encroaches on the chipset block and vregs just a weeee bit too much for comfort.
All in all, I'm pleasantly surprised by the performance of the "Jankpot" and feel that anyone who picks this pot up for the low price of $75 or so will also feel like they've hit the "JankPot" and be a winner.
The pot itself has a very small footprint and actually is much easier to work around. The mating surface of this pot is perfectly sized for socket 775 processors. I'm fairly certain that 1366 users will need a "JankPot II" revision to sufficiently cover the 1366 processors. Comparing the towering lug of a copper pot I have and many others build, this little alu-pot is easier on the mobo because its much lighter.
I'm sure Travis can easily extend the mounting screws by about 2mm to make mounting much easier.
I'm in need for one of those temp probes and will be giving the pot a run at the 9770 if it still lives
Thanks to Travis Jank a.k.a. V2_V3 for providing me the opportunity to take a run at his affordable cpu pot.