I think with 6.8ghz i7 someone using the dominator ln2 rampot with some stupid 2200 cas 6 action could get pretty damn close.
I think with Fermi you can bench stock cooler and still have your procie and mem be the bottleneck. (He would see a gain with more gpu speed though at ridiculous 6.6. where we are around 6.2ghz no so much)
Would be interested to see when it stops scaling.
Was at 6.1ghz 1900 ca6, and the card at 1300/1200 was scoring the same at 1370/1200. With fermi on stock cooler with mild overclock 850/1100 I hit 420ks too

Uncore was low for me too at 4.3ghz
AQ3 in order of importance imo
CPU mhz
Ram fast and tight
Gpu speed