Coldbug Drift?
Often I'll get a new CPU or mobo and get all excited when it doesn't have much or any coldbug the first time I freeze it, but I can never attain those temps again.
Any ideas as to why?
Most recent example:
980x: on Classy 762 seemed to cold bug in -135 range initially, but with later benches can't get much colder than -120. Same CPU on R3E benched at -150 initially without bugging (didn't try colder at the time), then started to bug at -135, now bugs at -127.
Is this an insulation thing? Mobo? CPU? Or is it simply tightening too tight? - Maybe I get more aggressive as I get more comfortable with a rig....... But loosening never really seems to help.
I've had this problem with 2 980x's, 3 i5 670's and a number of Bloomfields. A couple of the i5's would even go to "full pot" on the first run, then cripple me at the -130ish range thereafter.
Do CPU's just tolerate less cold after a while?
It exists!