Well Nip beat me to it, Thanks Nip !!
As he has some great news so do I. My daughter is expecting and looks like I will be a grandpa come this April
She is looking around town here for a place for her and her hubby to move to, that will pretty much seal it for me being the Grand Dad baby sitter. Be it a boy or girl the will learn the ways of LN2 and benching HAHA.
I was told by Renee that the time has come for us to tie the knott. We have been living together now for almost two years and she now has a really sweet job that pays freaking nice. So things are looking like Dec 19th for the big event, just planning a very small gathering so all should go with little fuss. But as you know women allways seem to go a bit over board so I await to see what things she will want to do HAHA.
Renee is pretty cool and the benching stuff doesnt bother her one bit, tho she is not interested in any of it she still lets me do as I wish in the benching room which I just took over LOL. From LN2 sessions to Cascades its all np.
Her daughter is also a pretty good kid, 14 now and in high school, but she is very easy to get along with so its all good.