Originally Posted by GeorgeStorm
Slightly off topic, how much does the PL affect benches (2D)
Just wondering cos when I've taken my board high (550+) the PL has been on auto methinks, so no idea how high/low :/
I dont know how much it effects 2D it has a pretty big effect on 3D though. (Which is odd I think it would effect 2D more... but...)
My First 775 board with PL settings (ASUS) scored exactly 1K less points in Vantage. 15K vice 14K. Reason was I had a PL on auto and at 500FSB on a Q9300 it was defaulting to like 13. I boughtthe board (forget what it was) because itwas the first p45 to hit 700+ and I was just trying to get 550. (only got to 535, but was on air )