Originally Posted by HITandRUN
Hey Buckeye great to hear you doing this! I wish I could show up to this but I'll be gone in Europe on vac. I'm planning something similar yearly next year in a more commercial area like a hotel conference room (NY). I love to see people benching together and learning from each other along with a few beers. This is what it’s all about! Keep it up.
You said it. If I had one bone to pick with overclocking, its that we all live so far apart. I would love to have a OCA bench party, but tickets to HI are alot more expensive than the ln2 that would be burned. ohcrap
BTW, where in NY are you located? I got one of my best friends who lives in Silver Creek right below Buffalo. He keeps buggin' the hell outa me to come see him. When I do, I'll for sure be pestering Karmakazi to lemme use his big dewar