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View Poll Results: Do you want the proposed Hwbot Rev. 4 to be implemented?
Yes 0 0%
No, but I will still particpate anyway 13 54.17%
Yes, with some modifications 1 4.17%
NO, and I will no longer use hwbot if it is implemented 10 41.67%
Voters: 24. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 09-28-2010
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The website that Travis mentioned to me is
which currently has 4608 registered users and is running a 1156 socket contest. I'm not sure how good the site is yet, I havn't dumped any time into researching it as I've just registered but it might look hopeful to see it as an alternative to HWBot... who knows.
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Old 09-29-2010
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Checking out the top10hardware.com. Looks interesting.

Also, I think you guys are going to be seeing a couple more databases popping up close to the end of the year.
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Old 09-29-2010
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Originally Posted by PizzaMan View Post
Checking out the top10hardware.com. Looks interesting.

Also, I think you guys are going to be seeing a couple more databases popping up close to the end of the year.
Its always nice to have options
What kind of community do you intend to re-build?
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Old 09-29-2010
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but i'm banned in oc.net lol
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Old 09-29-2010
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Last edited by PizzaMan; 09-29-2010 at 06:35 PM.
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Old 09-29-2010
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ohhhhh im slow ....id like to know their plans...hehehe..but yeah i'll wait in the sidelines...
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Old 09-30-2010
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Neuromancer might just be on to something hereNeuromancer might just be on to something here

Yeah top10 is still REALLY rough. Website does not work properly in IE or Opera. (totally does not work in Opera... you can view it but not even login)
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Old 09-30-2010
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Originally Posted by PizzaMan View Post
Checking out the top10hardware.com. Looks interesting.

Also, I think you guys are going to be seeing a couple more databases popping up close to the end of the year.
Would be good to see a few come about. Maybe one will replace the now defunct ripping.org site.
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Old 10-06-2010
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Looking at the latest poll at hwbot, I positively WILL NOT participate if they make any of the said changes. Every one of them suck. Until they come up with something that doesn't devalue ANY member of our team, I'm not playing. The lowest point person is just as important as our #1 guy in my opinion!! I will keep my scores up because I am with this team 100%, but I'm not gonna participate in shit that says some of our people are not important. That means no more subs if and when the new rev4 goes live.

Honestly I don't have the time I used to so I hardly ever go to hwbot and check out scores, but I'm starting to wonder about the validity of the hw sharing arguement. Our team does not in any way share hardware; not even for non-hwbot purposes including just for fun. We are a relatively small team and are ranked high the "right way". Yet because of our size we have atleast one individual going around and preaching that we share hw. Can someone show me a lot, and I mean a lot of possible hw sharing incidents? Considering the volume of members and submissions at hwbot, a small number of examples isn't going to convince me. I think much of this is due to jealousy from people getting beat. There have for sure been some high profile examples of hw/score sharing lately and its pisses me off like everyone else, but I think they are overstepping their bounds and over regulating this.

You want to tell me about hw sharing? Go look at Rom's thread. Between two members they, out of their own pocket, have went through over $10k in CPU's and I know they've bought more than just 980x's. Betcha the number increases big time if you count 1156 CPU's and s775 they have bought for hw boints. Let's not even start to talk about the amount of 5870's and gtx480's our members have bought. Yet since many of our teammates have the means (money) to buy these products of the same model, we are called cheaters by some. Sad really. There is a reason our team is small. Well, quite a few actually. First, we are all very very competitive and almost all of us have aspirations of gunning for the top spots overall. That means most of our guys is basically buying the same latest, greatest hardware out which of course is the same stuff so to speak. There is no other way to go about it. Second, I think our members are just different from most other benchers (in an awesome way of course) and that's why we band together in a small community like here at OCA. Our team isn't locked at a certain number of participants like some are, it's just that not everyone fits into what we got going on here.

Anyways enough rambling, I gotta get some work done. Here is the thread with the poll full of crappy options at hwbot. http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=11494


Last edited by Chuchnit; 10-06-2010 at 06:12 AM.
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Old 10-06-2010
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yah man, poll sucks.

We have until December to reach our goal of Top 5 Teams in the ranking. Come January, our goal will be forum with the most amount of benchmark threads and contests with prizes
What kind of community do you intend to re-build?
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