Originally Posted by ReverendMaynard
Check my 920 runs on the bot, all on DICE, all ranging between -32C to - 46C load.
WD, you can't approach that chip like a 920. Toss what you know regarding high bclcks and use that damned multiplier 2:10 you should be be raping.
I hear ya bro ... have been using the max multi ... I will hit up 2:10 and see if that makes a diff .... I was holding it back till I got stable clocks to rule out mem as a road block .... you think that may be the root of the problem ?
going at it again tommorow night in hopes for getting some Dice settings for the weekend on the V1 .....
I didn't think it would be world changing but was hoping for mere 100 more Mhz out of a $ 500.00 chip ....
Your right though bro I have been trowing my 920 settings at it up and down
just seems to love vtt and vcore to dangerous proportions though ....
1.587 fried my 920 at 5132 ... got validation before it gave up the ghost though .....