Yeah, DOS 3.1 was the ultimate. Used to program some in it and once mapped the "E" key on the secretary's computer to flash "I want to have sex with the operations manager" for about 1/10 of a second .... couldn't read it but I was hoping for some subliminal action LOL. Used a program called "DosKey", I ended up telling her cause she couldn't understand why the E key wouldn't work hahaha..
Anyone else remember the cheapest way to buy a 20 MB hard drive was to get a Hard Card that plugged into a slot on the mobo... and cost ONLY $400 ?? Which reminds me, I found some old computer tools in the garage when we cleaned up for the garage sale and thought about posting pics and seeing if anyone could guess what they were.... they were memory chip pullers LOLOL way back from the days before SIMMS, DIMMS, etc
Playing Startrek on Compuserve in text only cause there were no graphics online back then.
And the biggest piece of crap ever invented by man "Windows 3.0" hahaha
Even better... the old teletype machines. Like a typewriter but it punched holes in a paper tape that was about an inch wide. If you had a long message the tape could end up being 5 or 6 feet or longer. You'd then feed it into a "reader" that would pull it through and send the represented letters over the phone line to another teletype machine. If the tape broke on you, you had to hurry up and try to get feed the second (or third) piece of tape into the reader at just the right time or it wouldn't work and you had to start all over again !!!! See all the fun you missed hahahaha
Last edited by MaadDaawg; 07-23-2009 at 04:26 PM.