Originally Posted by MaadDaawg
Thinking I'm done with LN2. Haven't sold it all off yet in case I get a change of heart, but I really don't see that happening
DOM, stop inviting me to those damn kiddy games on Facebook :
Why mess around with those pesky F/S threads when you can sinmply give me the crap you don't want.....................
The air is getting cooler and my bench station is almost complete ......... funds are slowly starting to recoup ............
It must soon be October , so when are the 780's hitting the streets and who has a 3770K the will do 6.5 all cores HT on
for some 3d action ........... ?
Also what is the end all board the Gene still rockin or is the M5E worhth the price of addmission ?
Oh yea Daawg, where are you on BF3 ..... jump on in tonight bro .........
First one to get a MD knife kill gets his F1 ...................