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Old 12-14-2011
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their is but no one use's it really. Bid pay was one now its this http://www.authorize.net/ looks like they want want $20 a month for useing their services.
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Old 12-14-2011
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There area couple.

Google checkout looked like it would have been good, but they hold the money for a few days. Which for me usually means I cant ship. Its now called google wallet

Revolutionmoneyexchange was one, its now called serve

merchantinc is another for ebay sellers.

Oh amazon payments looks promising too... going to have to look into that more

in retrospect, no, not really any alternatives. serve is the closest, but is american express CC based... not accepted EVERYWHERE.

Hmm might have to update my serve account No fee money transfers
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Last edited by Neuromancer; 12-14-2011 at 05:41 AM.
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Old 12-14-2011
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It's a business like any other...they are in business to make money. You would get this from any other institution as well if they felt they were being abused. Let's face it...we do at times abuse the system if it benefits us in some small way. Paypal is under no obligation to provide that "personal" option...they only do so as a small favor/incentive for their loyal customers. I dare say nobody's bank offers such a service lol. Keep in mind we are really talking chump change in the grand scheme of things here. We are getting a safe, secure and reliable service at a reasonable price as far as I can tell and I can't begrudge Paypal for their profit for said service.

Short version...straighten up and fly right Splave!
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Old 12-14-2011
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Another prespective ...........

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Old 12-14-2011
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There's a world wide payment system the Muslims have set up to bypass banks... don't know the name of it or how to get into the system

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Old 12-14-2011
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Originally Posted by rickss69 View Post
It's a business like any other...they are in business to make money. You would get this from any other institution as well if they felt they were being abused. Let's face it...we do at times abuse the system if it benefits us in some small way. Paypal is under no obligation to provide that "personal" option...they only do so as a small favor/incentive for their loyal customers. I dare say nobody's bank offers such a service lol. Keep in mind we are really talking chump change in the grand scheme of things here. We are getting a safe, secure and reliable service at a reasonable price as far as I can tell and I can't begrudge Paypal for their profit for said service.

Short version...straighten up and fly right Splave!
I can appreciate this, yet would you not consider the people on our forums to be our friends? Am I splavalicioushardware.com trying to scam paypal with my multi thousand dollar computer hardware business? Guess what if you get fucked on a personal transaction on paypal they dont do shit and they shouldnt do shit so they shouldnt give a shit that I dont want their shit help with these shit transactions to people I know hence personal. Trust me their support staff is less than helpful when there are legit problems with normal transactions if you've been privy to that sort of fun you know

Yeah ebay/paypal monster doing me favors ROFL! Charge me to list my item fine, charge me a selling fee then charge me a paypal fee..... just to have a personal transaction once in a while get flagged as a system abuser. Thanks alot, who needs enemies.
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Last edited by Splave; 12-14-2011 at 11:46 AM.
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Old 12-14-2011
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Rick.... It's chump change to us coming out of our pockets. But it adds up to millions by the end of the year for them. I'd like that kind of chump change.

Money orders or personal check. But then it costs money for a money order and it takes time for personal checks to clear. There are choices though.

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Old 12-14-2011
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Paypal I got no problem with, ebay on the other hand rips you a new asshole coming and going, upside down and sideways... bastards

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Old 12-14-2011
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oh dear, MD we all have been there....
I sold my 2600k and somehow i only end up with 220 after all the fees it was REALLY stupid, that was the last time i am using ebay to sale anything
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Old 12-14-2011
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Originally Posted by MaadDaawg View Post
Paypal I got no problem with, ebay on the other hand rips you a new asshole coming and going, upside down and sideways... bastards
Think its bad for computer stuff? Higher percentages for other things, really is ridiculous. someone needs to come in an shut them down.

Unfortunately OCbay was primarily european and nothing decent was ever posted on there.
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