EDIT: Just having some fun right now.
Benches are on the list for eventually. I don't really know much about benching yet. My new memory is shipping from Taiwan today, and although only 1600MHz cas7 I'll feel better about doing benchmarks with a good working kit installed.
Only benchmarks I've done are racing and seeing that the cpu now stays cold enough to run @ 4.5GHz/1.5v for many hours.
I gotta get my system set up better for benching. I plan to do a XP install, but I have to clean off that HD first........so how will I find time to race?
I guess while waiting for the memory I can find the time to do the OS install.
-------I just switched from air-cooling in June. I'm on my way to full blown addict, never fear. Benchmark running is inevitable.
Thanks Patch.