Originally Posted by Hondacity
that was max stable right? anything above those...are not stable? if so...
...its like reaching the top...once reaching the top its usually downhill from there...
if you pop that cpu into the gb mobo....i wonder how it would do... the higher the clocks tha faster the degradation usually...
4760ish was max stable no ht, 4620 was max stable with ht enabled but with heavy ac on the rad, but ran it at 4500. wanted to run some 3d at higher mhz for a game, BC2 to try and get my fps up. my 5870's are not working well in bf2 so i am using gtx260's and with smoke/fog and snow in certain spots my fps take a big hit. im sure the chips at its limit, had hoped to be able to get a little higher on this board, but maybe it is better geared towards gulftown.
I have put the chip back in the ud7 to make sure it wasnt the chip going bad but it runs like a champ at the same settings. was even able to lower vcore a couple notches with some tweaking. i just installed the 960, so bclk wont ba an issue but this chip just didnt clock as well as the 920. maybe i am asking to much of these chips but worth a shot.
Thanks for the reply.