vas + eraser = bad so bad - vas = eraser? lol
but i see what you mean
just for more updates
i just got to 6600 and i am really happy,
1.85 vcore (for sure it's gonna be needing mods on the mobo)
1.55 fsb
1.625 NB (anything higher than that will not boot)
booting point 220 x 25
i think the cb is gone... i was around 120 pot temp and it was not going anywhere and now i am running around 125.5 and it's fine...
i have all temp setting in the BIOS turned off
oh and that's the max before it bsods...
i am not really sure why... it's around 100~110 at all time
i think the ram may be the prob but if i set the ram to AUTO then it'll only get around 6250 ish