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Old 06-25-2011
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Testing Palit GTX260 under SS...
Temps ~-35 on core.
Voltages 1.35 Vcore - 2.2 Vmem

Bench is nice, life is even better

Crio OC

Old 06-25-2011
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Originally Posted by Witchdoctor View Post
Agreed, not a fan myself,

I am basically a team bencher/grinder meaning vast results although not nessisarily the cream of the crop. shear numbers....

with only 20 results counting and the rest for pennies on the dollar this approach is now antequated ....

Bottom line is you have to bench hardware that is capable of beating you top 20 efforts to make any significant difference.

The days of grinding it out with what ever hardware are over,

I think this will serve to make overclockers better in the long run as you really have to push for the top 5 spots in any hardware you bench.

the good news is the type of hardware really makes no dif barring competing for world records,

i mean i like the idea where it just kinda forces you to push harder and making you wanna learn more it's just i have over 30 775 chips waiting to be benched and with out LN2 there isn't really a point to even touch it and i REALLY need to a lot of my benches so much work! so little time!
and some of my best stuff like my old 920 is sold and i can't find my E6300 B2 no more
oh well i am sure everything will work out in the end

hopefully i can make a LN2 run early next week or so and get my A game back one
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Old 06-26-2011
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my overclocking background now on
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Old 06-26-2011
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Neuromancer might just be on to something hereNeuromancer might just be on to something here

hah hah sweet.. I just switched to this... I watched.. some movie and it was the background for the ending credits.. I liked and snapped it for desktop

I will have to slap some OCA stuff on it
"Don't You understand? This is Greek to me! Except I spek Greek, this is like Aramaic to me, and not the Western Dialect I can read a little." - Dr. Walter Bishop

Special relativity is not "Eat Two Big Macs."
Old 06-26-2011
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yeah mang that's what i did lol
and i signed it too! right next to the OCAlliance

anyways i am buying 2 more celeron 352 tomorrow morning and trying to get this 275 lighting on ebay but it's kinda 150 with 10+hrs
i really want a 8ghz cpuz score

is it just me or there are just some parts of the new bot kinda wanna make you go get you 357 or something....
you know how back in the days there is a part where if you are wondering what are the top 10 motherboard to get for this socket or the top few all you gotta do is search the chipset and OMG! it gives you a list of it with all the cups it won and now it's like umm... WHAT THE F!
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Last edited by kikicoco1334; 06-26-2011 at 10:09 PM.
Old 06-27-2011
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Neuromancer might just be on to something hereNeuromancer might just be on to something here

Yeah not enjoying the new bot myself. Hard to compare hardwares now.

Looks like board will be arriving on the 30th, so no June submissions from me :(
"Don't You understand? This is Greek to me! Except I spek Greek, this is like Aramaic to me, and not the Western Dialect I can read a little." - Dr. Walter Bishop

Special relativity is not "Eat Two Big Macs."
Old 06-27-2011
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Originally Posted by Neuromancer View Post
Yeah not enjoying the new bot myself. Hard to compare hardwares now.

Looks like board will be arriving on the 30th, so no June submissions from me :(
we always got tomorrow! or july
benching some SSD right now lol it's too fast mang!
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Old 06-28-2011
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literally 1.5L of ln2 left in my dewar (as cliche as that sounds lol)

Refill tomorrow.

CB is -165c CBB -125c for single channel. Likes high vcore and vtt
2nd place in SPi32m

Originally Posted by Vivi View Post
when those trolls start making love your VGA has no chance!
Old 06-30-2011
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Got this today....
Who;s the Dady now...:p They though they could take away my record...Nada



Run #2

Bench is nice, life is even better

Crio OC

Old 06-30-2011
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