Well I set a little time aside for some benching this weekend. Been a bit since the last go around but what can ya do, right? Been real busy here in my part of the world. Usually I'm a early morning bencher but going to flip flop the game and do it at night this time for those that are morning risers. Saturday night on 4/24/2010 after my grill out I'm going to get it on. This is going to be strictly a 3D bench session though I'm itching to get me some 2 D in as that is my favorite. When I finally get my P5B Deluxe modded I will bust out the 2D.
Setup will be:
725 Classy
Mushkin Cas 8 2000MHz
PC & Power 1200W
8800 GT VModded
8800 GTS 320
8800 GTX
3870 single and Crossfire
I have a 4870x2 but it is pooched for the moment being so it won't be out to play. I know, I know, I know. How the hell am I going to get all those cards benched? Beats me but I'm damn sure going to try do it. My goal is just to get base runs in on all of them in every bench and then if I have time come back and tweak them to try to get more. If my schedule is free come back later on in the week and try dicing some of the cards.