Originally Posted by 69_Goat
I had a 20.98 run completed, only to notice my uncore was sitting at 4209. Bitch.
Same shit happened to me. I thought the uncore would droop enough to be right at 4.2.
Originally Posted by sofos1990
Maybe a CW would be helpful...but I have to get back my new chip from RMA dept. Hope tomorrow!
I tried my 32m waza but with a 700mb maxmem and it did nothing. Maybe I need to try different sizes? LSC seems to do nothing other than make your runs more consisitant. Without LSC it was a crapshoot on my times.
Originally Posted by DOM
i tryed mb didnt wanna push the mem so i went down lol
Not bad man. Not bad at all.
Here is my contribution so far. I thought I spanked them asses until I realized my uncore was 9mhz too high.
Here is that one.
This will be my current official submission. Man did I pick a crappy uncore speed. Makes it a bitch to keep the CPU and uncore at optimized speeds. I've got like 3 different runs at 21.00s at different multi/bclocks. Goofy little bench this is. Next it testing specific sub timings.
Edit: NOT VALID!! I just noticed the core speed in cputweaker. Too many mhz :(