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Old 03-04-2009
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Default Fatkid Troubleshooter

Some of the links on this page are broken. I will be uploading them as soon as I can. Until then PM me if you need something.
Here are some common fixes that I have come across in my work. :write: One of the most important tools is the recovery console. Many of the more common non-loading OS errors may be fixed here. (These fixes are specifically for XP. The Vista section is coming later.)

To get into recovery console: Boot using the original install disc. (If you are using a RAID or 3rd party card you will need a floppy disc drive and disc preloaded with your drivers. Instructions for creating a driver disc can be found in your motherboard literature. ) F6 to add driver if needed. *Note Nlite discs should not be used for recovery console* Once all the preloaded files are installed you have the option to install a copy of Windows or press “R” to enter recovery console. After you press R you are given the option to select the installation of Windows you would like to log into. Please select the version you are having issues with. It will ask for an Administrator password. If you have lost this password or do not know it please PM me and I will help you reset it.

In Recovery Console:
You have many options now. For a full list and their uses please check out the Microsoft Knowledge Base article. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314058

We will focus of some of the more common ones.

Chkdsk will check your operating system file structure for integrity. It will also mark bad sectors and recover info if it can. This option can restore many small problems and can postpone a reinstall until files are transferred or backed-up. This is not a permanent fix as it is an indication of bad sectors and possible drive failure in the future. *This may take a while and usually needs to be run at least twice.* If you receive errors from the first pass, run again until you receive no errors. This can also be used from within Windows and on disks attached to your computer. The only requirement is that the file system be NTFS. I have also used this tool to recover my Vista partition when it crashed. The proper usage for this command is CHKDSK (space) /R

Will rewrite the boot sector of the current OS. Use this command if you are not able to boot into windows at all. *Note FIXBOOT will only work on x86 systems* The proper usage for this command is FIXBOOT followed by the Y when it asks you if you want to write a new boot sector.

Will rewrite a new Master Boot Record for the current OS. Use this command along with FIXBOOT for those instances when you are not able to access the current OS. *Note FIXMBR will only work on x86 systems* The proper usage for this command is FIXMBR followed by the Y when it asks you if you want to write a new Master Boot Record.

This will scan your HDD's for any install of Windows. Use this utility if you fail to see your OS. If you login to recovery console and go straight to the c:\windows prompt without selecting your install try this to find your OS. You may have to rename your Windows installs. This will also find any OS's for use in the repair section of Windows Setup. More will be discussed later. Proper usage is BOOTCFG (space) /REBUILD

There are many other fixes that can be accomplished using recovery console. I would suggest checking the above link for the complete list. If you find your Registry is corrupt, you are able to restore to a previous version by following the extensive instructions found here http://support.microsoft.com/kb/307545 I am in the process of writing the batch files needed for registry recovery and trying to implement them in a script. But I lack the proper motivation to undertake this at the present time. I guess I will finish that the next time a computer comes in with a corrupted registry *A Windows repair will also fix registry issues.*

On to more issues. The Infamous NTLDR is missing error :banghead:
I have come across a fix for this common overclockers bane. You will need to download the following ISO and burn it to a disc using Nero or equivalent prior to running the fix. *There is no guarantee that this fix works though* the ISO can be found here NTLDR Fixer Download

From within Windows there is a useful tool that will check all of you essential operating system files.
sfc /scannow is a tool that will check all shared system files for possible overwrites. Sometimes a 3rd party program will overwrite essential files with newer or unstable ones. sfc /scannow will check all of these files to make sure that there are no problems. Typical symptoms of overwritten files will include system stability issues (BSOD's) and application errors. If you are able to log into Windows then I would run this as a first line fix for most stability issues. *note: you will need your Windows XP disc to run this fix* Proper usage is SFC (space) /SCANNOW

Windows Repair:
Windows repair is a tool found in the preOS setup in Windows. Use this utility if you find that you have a corrupted registry or to fix the NTLDR is missing if the fix does not work. This is considered a non-destructive repair as your installed programs and settings will still be there when it is finished. To access this tool you will need to boot to your Windows disc and select install a new copy of Windows. I know that this is the last thing you think you should select but this is where it is found. After you select install Windows, the setup will scan your drives for installed copies of Windows. It should find the install that you wish to repair. If setup does not find your install please start over and run the BOOTCFG /REBUILD command discussed above. Once setup has located your install select R to start the repair. Use this utility if you have installed new hardware in your computer and wish to attempt to skip the Windows reinstall. You should idealy reinstall Windows anytime you make a motherboard model change, but if that is not an option you can try the repair. **Note: You will need your Windows key to complete a repair**

In windows you may have found that your updates are no longer working properly. Here is a quick fix that works most of the time. WUFix Utility Download

If you have found that for some reason you are no longer allowed to connect to the network try the winsock fix Winsock Fix Utility Download

Various Trojan and Worm infections :doh: can be eradicated using these tools: Smitfraud Smitfraud Fix Download and SDfix SDFix Utility Download *Please run these from the Administrator account in safe-mode for greatest effect. Also check out ComboFix http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/comb...o-use-combofix from BleepingComputers for more info. If you run all three of these fixes it should take care of most Spyware/Fraudware, i.e.WinXPAntivirus, infections.

Some other useful tools and apps:

Autoruns Autoruns Utility Download Will allow you to view and disable startup programs/services/etc.

Keyfinder Magic Jelly Bean Download Will allow you to view and change your windows key.

NTBackup NTBackup Utility Download Is the XPPro utility that will allows scheduled backups. This is missing from XPHome installs but will work with this small utility.

System Information For Windows System Information for Windows Download Again will show you keys to Windows, Office and many other installed programs.

Unknown Devices Unknown Devices Download helps to find devices for which you have difficulty locating drivers.

Everest http://dodownload.filefront.com/9898...5198d4f6677bee Will also find devices and monitor multiple systems. *One of the greatest tools in the overclockers bag!!*

Norton Removal Tool Norton Removal Tool Download Will force uninstall any Symantec product. Use with caution if you have Norton Ghost, as this will remove that as well.

nLite Slipstream Utility nLite Slipstream Utility DownloadThis utility will allow you to add those pesky F6 drivers into your install package so no more floppies are needed. You can also setup a handsfree install that will enter your key and set up networking and User Profiles. You can also enter all the drivers needed for custom hardware. This small utility is the bomb when it comes to building a disc that you need for frequent reinstalls.

Thanks goes out to Rockcrawler for having the FTP where most of these fixes are located

I will be constantly updating this thread as I come across new fixes or write some of my own. Feel free to post questions or requests and I will attend to them when I can. :help:

p.s. it's really late so if you find errors :blackeye: go figure. Do let me know if any of the links are broken or the downloads do not work. Please use at your own risk and I cannot be held responsible for any id10t :doh: errors.

Thx Fatkid!
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