just real quick...
i was just looking around on google...
just wanna do something for my video card.. i've got the GTX260 216core
it runs really hot like stupid hot so i was wonder if i should remove the IHS?
i monna be keep on using the stock if not the zalman cooler
my card is made by PNY
i just really wanna do something to it. so i put painter's type on it just so i have something to do...
but naw for real..
should i removing the IHS?
my card it's running around 49~55C that's with around 10~15% OCed and with fan setting 100% at all time
assets - business resources
current - convert to cash within a year
long term - intend to hold for more than a year
liabilities - debts owed to out side
current - pay off within a year
long term - not due for more than a year
accounting equation
assets = liabilities + Owner's Equity