Staying around 4.56 I did a primew32 run with the 1866 ram jacked to 2033....
This is embarrassing with you sub cold brothers but my best with the 975 was 5.450 sec with wprime32 on water....
This 287 batch chip is a beast....I can actually run 4.6++++ at under 1.40 cpu....
I saw this chip has a max of 1.40 compared to the 975 at 1.55.....
What is really my safe zone with cpu,PLL,QPI, Dram volts...
3.995 at wprime32 from this paranoid non-benching wipe just shows the power of the chip....
OS win 7 64
water cooled(see my WC in sig)
Batch # 3003B287
MB-Asus P6T7
My thoughts are this sucker runs extremely cool and is waiting for me to release the Hounds