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Old 01-03-2012
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You are not welcome on this team.
What kind of community do you intend to re-build?
tell me your sins and I'll sharpen my knife...(Take me to church)
Old 01-03-2012
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Originally Posted by Kal-EL View Post
You are not welcome on this team.
Pretty much doesn't get any plainer than that.
Old 01-03-2012
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That's the problem with Supes .......... always beating around the bush .......
You don't need a reason to help people
Old 01-03-2012
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Originally Posted by Kal-EL View Post
You are not welcome on this team.
Can you give me a reason?
Replying on a PM is the least you can do.

We got a complete PM history.YOu know what was going on.
If the argument with Hybrid is the reason , you know what that was about.

Send me a PM please.
Old 01-03-2012
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I don't whant to put extra wood on fire but......

The argument with me was :

i don't help you with overclocking???? While i drove km's to you're place from belgium to netherlands, learn you some tweaks, told you to write it down.
and told you to read also overclocking guides as there is also a lot of good info about OC.
What you whant is that somebody elses does the OC and you can make scores with it,
while you don't learn, do any effort for it. You whant it easy.

And that i would force you to buy my bench setup? WTF ?
I don't forced you to buy it, but i whanted to make it a little eassier for you : buy me bench setup (if you would do that), boot it, and 2600k runs @ 5520Mhz, how easier can you get? even that as not good enough.
But force you to buy my setup? WTF ???

And 2th :

The argument you got with me, you had it also in Overclock team holland, where you also got kicked out of team,
and that team captain warned me for you but I did give you benefit of the doubt,
but after i realized that that team captain was correct and did the same with another member then, just like now with me.
Got still the PM's about that
The same you did there, you also did with me.

And top of all :

Where i drove so much km's to you're house to OC with you, spend all day, you didn't write anything down, i didn't help you?
And spammed Kal-El's PM inbox full with complaints about me while i was helping you???

No further comment, exept for :

@ Kal-El , The OCA Master : if i commented/say anything wrong, sorry about it,
but i whanted that of my hart.

Last edited by HybridChiller; 01-03-2012 at 02:19 PM.
Old 01-03-2012
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Finally, someone who has a worse grasp of the english languge than me

he is from another country

foiled again

Sorry chiller man, just trying to make light of a shitsandwitch
You don't need a reason to help people
Old 01-03-2012
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i knoow mi englisch is noot god

I'm from belgium, and he's from Netherlands, and it's quite some km's to drive.
Old 01-03-2012
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When I first read this thread a few minutes ago I was left with the feeling that I got from a movie that I downloaded an the last 15 minutes were cut off. LOL Much better after the last few post now.
Old 01-03-2012
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The English was fine. I got the picture perfectly.
Old 01-03-2012
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About your rig.
YOu helped me untill i told you i didnt want to buy your rig.
Your VGA's I told you i didnt want them because i didnt have the money at the moment.You insisted to leave them here and i told you i didnt have the money before 2 weeks later.I got 8 mails and 4 PM's in those 2 weeks where your money was.

About the time you came here.
I wanted to give you money for gas.YOu didnt want to.
You have eaten here.Got all the drinks you want.
Did i get any thanks?NOTHING!!!
I even wanted to give you a bunch of LN2.You refused!!!

I was benching and didnt want it to be easy but if i had a question all i got was you HWbot scores.If you want to help , then HELP!! Dont give scores and nothinh more.

But i dont want to make a long story again.
YOu got my PM.
Its great that you are a good overclocker and a good manipulater.
Setting people to your own hand and telling storys time after time a different way.

Sending PM's in a way because you know admins can read them and mail me something else.

Like i told you.I know enough.

About the other team.You know what the reason was.Just the same as you are doing now.Telling to help and dont help at all.Just giving parts and asking money but helping getting my rig good?
THe reason that i left the other team was that a member trashed my new rig.
The watercooling was leaking and didnt cooled.You have seen that!!

Im glad i am nog in the OCing world anymore if there are little childs like you who are telling everyone that you are helping people nut in real life NOT

THanks OChollicks for the little time i was a member.I know now why i left the team.
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