I don't whant to put extra wood on fire but......
The argument with me was :
i don't help you with overclocking???? While i drove km's to you're place from belgium to netherlands, learn you some tweaks, told you to write it down.
and told you to read also overclocking guides as there is also a lot of good info about OC.
What you whant is that somebody elses does the OC and you can make scores with it,
while you don't learn, do any effort for it. You whant it easy.
And that i would force you to buy my bench setup? WTF ?
I don't forced you to buy it, but i whanted to make it a little eassier for you : buy me bench setup (if you would do that), boot it, and 2600k runs @ 5520Mhz, how easier can you get? even that as not good enough.
But force you to buy my setup? WTF ???
And 2th :
The argument you got with me, you had it also in Overclock team holland, where you also got kicked out of team,
and that team captain warned me for you
but I did give you benefit of the doubt,
but after i realized that that team captain was correct and did the same with another member then, just like now with me.
Got still the PM's about that
The same you did there, you also did with me.
And top of all :
Where i drove so much km's to you're house to OC with you, spend all day, you didn't write anything down, i didn't help you?
And spammed Kal-El's PM inbox full with complaints about me while i was helping you???
No further comment, exept for :
@ Kal-El , The OCA Master : if i commented/say anything wrong, sorry about it,
but i whanted that of my hart.