ummm.. I'm using 1 PSU for the board, CPU, DIMMs and 1 580 - using the second for the remaining 3 580s, the water pump, and the rad fans. Using that little dohinky in the first pic to combine the PSUs... only 1 black and 1 green wire that jumps to the second one so I doubt if I'm using the 3.3 and 5v but
Anyway, WD and the Punxster were right... dammit. Turned off the lanes of the 3 cards being powered by the second PSU and started it up, just set it for gamers oc to keep it quick, and it booted right up to 4700.
Is there another way to jump the two PSUs together that works better? Thinking I may need to take the Corsair AX1200 out of the wc gamer and use that instead. Maybe 3 PSUs ?? rofl
Just a thought...
One of the six pin PCI connectors from PSU 1 goes into the mobo to power the PCIe lanes. If I were to replace that with a six pin from PSU2 (which currenlty is connected to the 3x580s and used PSU1 to power two cards, would that give me a more even load?