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Water Cooling Chilled And Ambient Setups...

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Old 08-12-2010
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I don't have a chipset block yet, I guess I better put that on my list. I don't really care about getting any more performance out of the gpus, but with 3 in there with air coolers the top 2 won't be getting very much air.....I may have to keep them on a water loop separately.

I won't stand for a loss of 10c on my cpu.

So will -30 get me a few hundred MHz (stable) on the cpu or no? I would love to be able to run this chip @ 4.5GHz(322x14) when I race. It would just somehow be better. I had it stable @ 4242MHz, but 1.6+v seemed like too much even with load temps in the low 40s.

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Last edited by ny_driver; 08-12-2010 at 03:53 PM.
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Old 08-12-2010
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Originally Posted by ny_driver View Post
Already RMA'd once, so I don't know.

Why doesn't the frost form in the cpu/pcie sockets, or do we do something else for that?
Since your cpu is producing heat you probably wont get condensation or frost inside the cpu socket while it is running (with chilled water). Watch out if you are in a humid place or if you get colder. If you run the loop with the PC off you can get frost inside the cpu socket. With colder temps and you want to fill the cpu socket with dielectric grease. Use a low viscocity dielectric grease or you can bend pins seating the cpu. I learned that the hard way. Crazy PC has a low viscocity dielectric grease. The dielectric grease from NAPA auto is pretty viscous, so if you use that you need to heat it up with a heat gun before you try to seat the cpu. I gobbed dielectric grease all around the cpu socket and then covered that with carefully cut neoprene. Messy but effective. The grease comes off way easier than conformal coating.
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Old 08-12-2010
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Originally Posted by GFDuke View Post
Definately. Insulation is mandatory in my book!! Kals explanation is right on.
Good pics GFDuke, that helps me visualize my build better.

Originally Posted by spfoam1 View Post
Since your cpu is producing heat you probably wont get condensation or frost inside the cpu socket while it is running (with chilled water). Watch out if you are in a humid place or if you get colder. If you run the loop with the PC off you can get frost inside the cpu socket. With colder temps and you want to fill the cpu socket with dielectric grease. Use a low viscocity dielectric grease or you can bend pins seating the cpu. I learned that the hard way. Crazy PC has a low viscocity dielectric grease. The dielectric grease from NAPA auto is pretty viscous, so if you use that you need to heat it up with a heat gun before you try to seat the cpu. I gobbed dielectric grease all around the cpu socket and then covered that with carefully cut neoprene. Messy but effective. The grease comes off way easier than conformal coating.
Must be a bitch fixing bent pins with grease all over. Thanks for the advice dude!

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Old 08-12-2010
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Originally Posted by ny_driver View Post
I don't have a chipset block yet, I guess I better put that on my list. I don't really care about getting any more performance out of the gpus, but with 3 in there with air coolers the top 2 won't be getting very much air.....I may have to keep them on a water loop separately.

I won't stand for a loss of 10c on my cpu.

So will -30 get me a few hundred MHz (stable) on the cpu or no? I would love to be able to run this chip @ 4.5GHz(322x14) when I race. It would just somehow be better. I had it stable @ 4242MHz, but 1.6+v seemed like too much even with load temps in the low 40s.
AMD chip right?
I'm not big on AMD experience and cold, Rich aka Neuromancer could answer those Q's as he's been down the ln2 road with them fairly recently.
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Old 08-12-2010
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Video of some guys taking a phenom II to 6.5GHz with liquid nitrogen, and then helium to absolute zero. No cold bug.

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Old 08-12-2010
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Man, I'm sitting here staring at this beautiful picture, and wondering about the frost all over the graphics cards. Are they coated with nail polish or something?

And just fucking wow.
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Old 08-12-2010
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yeah it looks nice

bad psu though LOL
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Old 08-12-2010
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Originally Posted by ny_driver View Post
Man, I'm sitting here staring at this beautiful picture, and wondering about the frost all over the graphics cards. Are they coated with nail polish or something?

And just fucking wow.
Hehe, sadly "no", I ran it like that for a total of 3 sessions all frosted up and finally it bit the dust. It was my early trips into sub-zero land and some asshat with alot of experience posted that they didn't use any coating whatsoever on their ln2'd gpu's. SO I lost (2) 9800gx2's that way.

You won't get that kinda bullshit advice around here bud
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Old 08-12-2010
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Originally Posted by Hondacity View Post
yeah it looks nice

bad psu though LOL
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Old 08-12-2010
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Originally Posted by ny_driver View Post
I don't have a chipset block yet, I guess I better put that on my list. I don't really care about getting any more performance out of the gpus, but with 3 in there with air coolers the top 2 won't be getting very much air.....I may have to keep them on a water loop separately.

I won't stand for a loss of 10c on my cpu.

So will -30 get me a few hundred MHz (stable) on the cpu or no? I would love to be able to run this chip @ 4.5GHz(322x14) when I race. It would just somehow be better. I had it stable @ 4242MHz, but 1.6+v seemed like too much even with load temps in the low 40s.
Low 40s is fine for load.

Of course with a chiller running... if anything happened that could quickly turn into 60-70C real fast..

I am surprised the CHIV can handle 322 HTREF my exerience with asus baords has not been very good at all for bus clocking. I so gotta sell my chIII now

Think you could drop the multi and see how far you can push the HTREF??? and which BIOS you are using por favor
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