Originally Posted by GFDuke
Ahh v-mods are easy. I used to be scared of it. Once i did one it was all over. There ain't nothin i cant solder.
It looks like multi card solutions are where the boints are though. Single card dosn't look all that great. as far as boints go. Well wtf though Andres core clock is fucking 1780mhz. next inline is a mere 1300. In 3D03 marks. But still untouchable. There goes that marketing thing again. How many of these are gonna do 1780 core
His ........... LOL
I am sure it is one out of many binned and I think those runs were ran some time ago just waiting for launch.
For real though it does not matter as if you are in it for the globals it is almost must have with nV looking to be a minimum of 3 months behind that could turn into 6 if they have trouble with the new fab
Gota wonder how long till MSI pulls the trigger on the Lightning but it is odd they have no reference solution as of yet either......
If I could sell my x58 platform I could afford some Xfire action ......... a lightning would be way awsome as that could give me a card to go cold with and being I only have one pot CF with one reference all be it a good one would not be too bad