I'm actually surprised he was still alive. I figured we got him years ago when the taunt videos ended and were replaced by audio recordings.
Those towers went down less than 10 years ago, but the event is already minimized and downplayed. I haven't seen a video of those planes on mainstream news in well over 5 years because it's too "upsetting". I was working at a VA hospital on 9/11/01 and I'll never forget watching things unfold with a bunch of salty vets, periodically checking in with my wife on the phone. Seeing the planes crash into those buildings, seeing people jump to their deaths rather than being burned alive, hearing the cell phone conversations on flight 93 before the passengers stormed the cockpit and forced a crash landing in a field in Stonycreek, PA.
Thousands of American children, women and men were murdered that day for the simple crime of living in a free culture as infidels.
I didn't vote for Obama, and I won't vote for him next year because I don't want to live in a Socialist State. I'll bash him all day and night about his domestic Big Brother/Brave New World agenda and his bowing and scraping to foreign leaders, but he did get Bin Laden. I'll give him that.
Doesn't matter if OBL gets a replacement. There will always be another one.
We'll get the next one too.
The true tragedy would be if we just rolled over and let our wives and daughters become slaves because of a sense of futility.
Happy day.
It exists!