Went out and got 4lbs of DICE, 1Gal Preston Anti-Freeze, 3 bottles of 70% Alcohol and 1 bottle of 90% Alcohol.
Made a 50% Anti-Freeze / 50% Di-Water Mix for the loop. Dropped 3 bottles of 70% Alcohol in the cooler. Added 2lbs of DICE slowly bring down temps. Kicked on the pump and watched the magic happen.
Within 20 min of slowly adding DICE to the Alcohol temps dropped from 25C to -20.5C. Ran at -20C for an hour then added a bottle of 90% Alcohol to the cooler along with some more DICE (which brought up the alcohol content in cooler from 70% to 75%). Within 5 min temps in the loop dropped from -20C to -25C. So far I've been holding -25 for 4 hours. I'll keep everything running till I run out of DICE.
No problems slushing in the loop and also no pumping problems.
Next I'll shot for -30C by adjusting my Alcohol/Water mix.
Thank you for reading,