Following in DrNip's footsteps with a slight twist. I have been messing with the 1090T Thuban for awhile in my game rig and just have not been satisfied with it so I have decided to venture in another direction.
I will take the recently wounded/revived 980X and install it in the Scout case to become the 24/7/Gamer. Since it appears I will be the permanent owner of this chip with no hope of rma imaginable, she will be put out to pasture in this rig with hopes she will continue to function in a less stressfull setting. I fear putting to much voltage to it benchmarking would lead to it's final demise. The OCA contest currently running will be her last hurrah...she has served me well.
Parts to be used will be updated as I move along :
CM Scout mid-tower
Intel 980X
Evga X58 SLI Micro mb
WD 1TB hdd
SuperTalent 32GB ssd
Silverstone HDDBoost
Corsair HX1000w psu
LiteOn DVD burner
Saaphire 5870
I may go with the stock 980X hsf on this one.
For memory I am hopeful to win these GSkill's soon...