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Water Cooling Chilled And Ambient Setups...

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Old 08-12-2010
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Originally Posted by GFDuke View Post
I always used RV antifreeze and prestone windshiled washer fluid and a few drops of anti - fungal from the pet shop. It was the -50 windshield stuff i think. i never liked the idea of denatured alcohol in the system.
Thanks for the alternative solution.

Does it really matter what kind of antifreeze I mix with the washer fluid? Probably cheaper for sure to go with the washer fluid. If I go that route I can afford to get the project under way tonight and be running it tomorrow.

How much more condensation is going to form when the chiller starts pumping -30c coolant? Will I get frost?

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Old 08-12-2010
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do you have insulation on your board? i don't see any...

best way to insulate your board is with conformal coating..
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Old 08-12-2010
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-30c, you will definitely get frost
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Old 08-12-2010
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I probably shouldn't even try it without properly insulating.....even with it upside down.

EDIT: Don't the cpu pins form condensation/frost right in the socket and short themselves out?

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Last edited by ny_driver; 08-12-2010 at 02:15 PM.
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Old 08-12-2010
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If you're not worried about rma'ng your board, you could pick up some paint on or spray on electric tape spray and go to town with it like this:

Just tape over any pcie,mem, power slots prior to spraying the stuff on
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Old 08-12-2010
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Already RMA'd once, so I don't know.

Why doesn't the frost form in the cpu/pcie sockets, or do we do something else for that?

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Old 08-12-2010
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Frost and or Condensation is the enemy. If the cpu socket cold is low enough, it'll migrate outwards towrads the dimms and could cause condensation to form on the pins in there. It all depends on ambient temps, humidity and cold migration.

For the most part, in your chiller setup, the pcb shouldnt reach outwards to the dimm slot pins so you SHOULD be safe.

Some people put vasoline into the dimm slots for heavy duty cold applications but there have been reports of memory behaving funky/differently/not stable after a while with vasoline in the dimm slots. Same goes for pci-e slots.

Fix, cover up un-used dimms with kneeded rubber eraser to keep air out, seal around populated dimm slot with rubber eraser to keep air out. I don't think this will apply to your chiller scenario at all, I, myself, don't bother with the dimm slots, only the pcb around it under -196c ln2 temps.

You'll see alot of people using kneeded rubber eraser liberally on their boards, don't do that, it just spreads the cold outwards more. You're just concnerned with sealing the outer edge of the cpu socket so no air/moisture gets in there.

Just keep a sharp eye on condensation/frost and adjust as necessary and you should be fine and dandy. Everyone's experience is unique to their climate/humidity levels.
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Old 08-12-2010
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Originally Posted by ny_driver View Post
Thanks for the alternative solution.

Does it really matter what kind of antifreeze I mix with the washer fluid? Probably cheaper for sure to go with the washer fluid. If I go that route I can afford to get the project under way tonight and be running it tomorrow.

How much more condensation is going to form when the chiller starts pumping -30c coolant? Will I get frost?
Definately. Insulation is mandatory in my book!! Kals explanation is right on.
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Last edited by GFDuke; 08-12-2010 at 02:57 PM.
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Old 08-12-2010
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So I really just need to do the area around the cpu socket on both sides of the board unless going LN2 then. I'm concerned with my gpus getting all frosty as they are in the loop too. I'll probably have to insulate both sides of them huh?

Wow I am tempted to go back to air on them....the reference coolers work really well, but I have 3 with full cover blocks and it would be a sweet frosty mess when the other gets back from RMA.

Having them in there before the cpu will probably prevent me from reaching the coldest possible cpu temp huh.....maybe only a couple degrees off I hope. I wonder how much higher I will be able to clock my cpu @ -20c?

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Last edited by ny_driver; 08-12-2010 at 03:30 PM.
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Old 08-12-2010
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Look for a drop of anywhere between 10-12c with two gpus, chipset and cpu on the chiller loop. You're performance will scale with the cold on everything. I'd start off with just the cpu and see just how much condensation you're dealing with first and expand from there.
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