Originally Posted by kikicoco1334
well since the car is only worth 4k or so, the lawyer told us unless i have injury there is no point of filing anything atm, because the fees is gonna be around if not more than that.
I'd let this ride and see if something does come up they can use.
If the witness can validate your side of the story and also validate the driver of the other vehicle didn't even care to stop and check on you, that could very well help since that would prove the other driver was careless/neglegent.
Some states (Bama does) have what's called a "Good Samaritan" law and you can be charged and thrown in jail if by you, by doing nothing to render aid/assistance to someone is proven to be a contributing cause of someone's death or contributes to the worsening of their condition.
What I'm saying is her lack of concern for your well-being, esp if it can be proven she was aware of what happened in the first place (And I'm sure it could be with ease) won't make her look any better.
It's a "Care or Care-less" thing.