Wowza that looks Sahweet crio, nice work

I'm saving a copy for myself
However, I don't wanna be an opportunistic prick and exploit this horrific tragedy to plaster across people's desktops. We're hosting the contest in conjuction with support from Hwbot, MSI, KINGPINCOOLING and who knows who else. We should stay on point with the purpose of the contest which is humans helping humans.
We need something that says "I <3 Japan" or how bout:
Earthquake Relief 3.11.11
And incorporate the
CRASH icon into the desktop since this is the organization we're gonna be forwarding the relief funds to?
If we're gonna fly, we should also fly MSI, Hwbot, KINGPINCOOLING banners (small ones) on the desktop as well. It'd show who came together to help out.
Discussion/Comments welcomed.