Since that rig is actually going to be replaced in a few days I am just using it as an Ubuntu Virtualization (I think i'm repeating myself but i'm tired and its' late) so i sold those 4gbs of ram and just going to leave it alone. It's only going to be there for my girlfriend for when she wants to play wow at my house.
I can't wait to tweak the I7 980X. First intel processor i've used since my Intel Core 2 duo on my laptop (Stupid macbook). I was going to aim for 4.4Ghz stable depending on what kind of cooling i'm going to use.
An Executive of the St Clair Information Technology Club
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Avid Linux, Hardware and Software Enthusiast.
The best advice I can give you is do what feels right; even if it involves a bottle of
nitroglycerin labeled "orange juice -- shake well"