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Water Cooling Chilled And Ambient Setups...

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Old 08-25-2010
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Neuromancer might just be on to something hereNeuromancer might just be on to something here

FYI.. you only need 3+ GHz on cpuNB speed if you are running 2000+MHz ram.

Rule is 3 times ram speed (2000 = 1000MHz)

However faster cpuNB can help in 2D tasks the difference is pretty minimal. For benching I increase it (hey if it is an extra couple seconds in 32M I am in ) but for general overclocking not necessary.
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Old 08-25-2010
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Thanks for that information. I have never heard that formula/rule before.

Off to test the 965...if it works I shut down and this afternoon I re-insulate the board and try again with no grease.
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Last edited by ny_driver; 08-25-2010 at 06:25 AM.
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Old 08-25-2010
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So it seems the cpu wasn't the problem. Another motherboard, I just RMAd it a month ago. New one should be here Friday.

I'm hooking up the 939 rig tonight as my laptop seems to be ill.

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Old 08-26-2010
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This thread sure brings some interesting memories back. My congrats to the addicted one! Amazing build.
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Old 08-27-2010
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Thanks a lot bro! Got the new Crosshair IV just now from ASUS advanced RMA/fedex overnight.

Apparently I failed to insulate well enough on the last board or maybe it was a leak, but either way........ I don't want to let this happen again. I think I'll use thin strips of electrical tape to keep the dragon skin from seeping under things.

Don't you guys get condensation forming around the edge of where the cpu is making contact with the HS, and then dripping down into the cpu socket? I'm very concerned about this now, because that seems like the most likely place for water to get where it isn't supposed to.

I need some advice...going to be re-insulating later on after I make sure everything is working.


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Old 08-27-2010
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The trick in both Lga and PGA sockets is to make the cpu area air tight. I do not put grease in or around the socket. Sealing the area around the cpu with eraser works fine by itself. you can insulate up the side of the socket and cpu to the very top edge of teh ihs and not interfere with the cooler (wb/ evap/pot) at all.

so I would try the eraser method until you get the dragon skin method perfected. Make it thin on the mobo, and gradually mound it up around teh socket until you have it up level with the cpu. Make sure it is pressed tight to the sides of the socket and cpu and your worries are over.


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I think the flux capacitor caused the aeon influx inductors to mis-allign the dylithium crystals during transphotogenic mutation, but that's just because I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night.
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Old 08-27-2010
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Thanks FACE, I'm going to get the kneaded eraser and use that in addition to the dragon skin right around the socket and give it another go.

I'm up and running again with the 965BE now.

I stuck my bad memory module in the freezer for like 2-3 days and it works again too.

I'm ready to party dudes!

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Old 08-27-2010
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A little eraser around the perimeter of the cpu is all you need...not even neccessary to seal it to the Dragon Skin.

"Sorry for my ignorance Rick, but what do you mean constant pressure? And do you mean put eraser all around the surface of the chip and the socket? Once I got the chip seated I put more Dragon Skin around the edges of the chip and socket to seal it up better, but it doesn't really stick to the edge of the IHS "

What I meant ny was I think the Thuban will degrade quickly after some spectacular benching blasts...maybe not die but never perform as well as it did initially.

Last edited by rickss69; 08-27-2010 at 07:21 AM.
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Old 08-27-2010
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Just read back thru the thread and in post #93 is where you had the massive water leak. I would be very careful about using Dragon Skin like you are around the cpu socket...you think the grease was hard to remove.

Everywhere else the Dragon Skin is fine except in the dimm/pci sockets of course. You want it to flow under and around everything, just as water would do.
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Old 08-27-2010
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Thanks for the picture....it lets me know it doesn't have to be prettyEDIT: THanks for the explanation too...I didn't see it down there at first.

I'm gonna overclock the piss out of this 965BE. I got it IBT/max stress stable @ 4GHz/1.428v and not chilling the chiller...max core temp of 39c. It's the 194th chip off the wafer so it should be pretty good I hear. My 1055T is the 247th chip.

By tonight I'll be chilling it and also have my 2x4890s back on water and my new loop with cool blue washer fluid, which is going to look pretty sweet.

Stop back later for pictures.

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Last edited by ny_driver; 08-27-2010 at 07:43 AM.
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