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Water Cooling Chilled And Ambient Setups...

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Old 08-24-2010
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I cleaned the socket really good now with QD cleaner and dried it out with a hair-dryer and the Vantec....the spray air was a waste of money.

I think the 1055T is deceased for some reason. What I mean is why did it just quit working even if some undetected moisture got in the socket it was greased.

Maybe it was a bad chip? In order for me to overclock the NB to 3GHz I had to pump 1.48-1.5v through the cpu/NB. Everyone else I've talked to says that is way higher than what they need.

The most I ever gave the vcore was 1.63v and only long enough for a validation, although it was by no means hot. And since hooking up the chiller I ran the chip @ 4.5GHz/1.6v for a couple hours. I tried playing GRID and it crashed. So I backed off to the regular 4GHz/1.46v, and the system froze up after awhile while I was typing a reply here.

Who knows? I just ordered a Phenom II x4 965BE 3.4GHz C3/125w from the egg. That's a better chip anyways. I sure as hell don't need 6 cores. It's just a waste of energy and extra heat. If I only knew then what I know now I would have bought one of these in the first place.

Shit happens...but what's the deal with the grease? I've gotten mixed answers here. Is it best/safest to just unseat the chiller every day and make sure everything gets dry? Better solution than grease?

Is it a regular thing for condensation to form on the cpu pins/socket and short out peoples cpus? Can I only use the chiller for a couple hours at a time? Maybe I didn't do enough research.

EDIT: at least I have the 4.5GHz cpu-z validation and screen shot for HWBOT to remember it by.

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Last edited by ny_driver; 08-24-2010 at 08:15 AM.
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Old 08-24-2010
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IIRC one of the guys was saying the other day that those chips die pretty easily.
What kind of community do you intend to re-build?
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Old 08-24-2010
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Hmm......when you say those chips do you mean the Thubans or AMDs? I sure hope the 965 Deneb fares better. Should be easier to OC with the unlocked multiplier!

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Last edited by ny_driver; 08-24-2010 at 09:00 AM.
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Old 08-24-2010
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Out of boredom I decided to post up some closer-up pictures of my block insulation setup for anyone that is interested.

As you can see from the pictures there are 3 layers of insulation that go on top of the paper towel gasket....2 under the block and 1 over it then the plywood hold down plate. It seems to be pretty good...the only place I saw frost was on the pump.

The first layer only allows the cpu socket to see through, the second only allows the face of the block....I think I'll redo that layer so only a cpu sized section is uncovered....and the third layer obviously only allows the hoses through. I had to either cut that one in half or make the hole bigger. I chose to cut it.

The last picture is my system sitting there with a dead cpu in it.

I hope you enjoy.
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Old 08-24-2010
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yikes....i don't think that thing will insulate..

that pump looks great...how much is that?
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Old 08-24-2010
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Originally Posted by Hondacity View Post
yikes....i don't think that thing will insulate..

that pump looks great...how much is that?
That insulation worked very well. What exactly do you mean?

The pump was free...my uncle had it stashed away somewhere. It came off a veterinarian trailer. Pumps ~ 1 gallon a minute.

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Old 08-24-2010
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I love the time and effort you've put into this chiller bro, your drive and determination are both commendable and admirable. You sir, "Foster the FEVER!"
What kind of community do you intend to re-build?
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Old 08-24-2010
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ny - Me thinks that the Thubans just can't take the constant pressure like Intel's.

I never use grease in my sockets and have never had an issue. You might seal the edges of the chip with a little eraser is all I can think of atm.

AMD will rma that chip...they did for me with no hassle.
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Old 08-24-2010
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Thanks Kal, I definitely do. In the past 6 months I have graduated from air to water to chiller, and finally a few months ago sold off the 939 rigs except 1(Neo2Plat/Opty170/2GBOCZPlat/x850pro), and built this.

Sorry for my ignorance Rick, but what do you mean constant pressure? And do you mean put eraser all around the surface of the chip and the socket? Once I got the chip seated I put more Dragon Skin around the edges of the chip and socket to seal it up better, but it doesn't really stick to the edge of the IHS

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Last edited by ny_driver; 08-24-2010 at 11:56 AM.
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Old 08-25-2010
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Ohh I forgot to mention how I stupidly bought a brand new chest freezer to make a radiator cooler, drilled two nice holes in the top for hoses and it didn't work nearly as good as I had hoped except for first thing in the morning for a couple hours...then it's just average water cooled temps.

23 hours after I placed my order with Newegg....my chip is here in my hand.


Going to pop it in and see if it comes back to life now.

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Last edited by ny_driver; 08-25-2010 at 06:12 AM.
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