We had to rush my little girl Katey to the emergency vet last night after dinner because she had lost control of all four of her legs. She was fine while she layed down against the counter as we ate, but when I called her to go upstairs with me she couldn't walk
She eventually regained some balance in front, but her rear legs would not work.
I carried her (91lbs) out of the house, down 8 stairs, and over to the car. Just made it cause I'm not used to carrying that kind of weight, especially down stairs.
Vet sais it's nerological and something is pressing on her spine.. says this happens in dogs and often times in a day the problem piece of whatever is washed away and the dog is fine, but he said it could take weeks for that to happen as well. We had to leave her at the hospital at least through Monday
At least $2,300 so far until the neurologist sees her. If he want's MRI pics, those are a grand a pop....might have to sell all my equipment to pay, but gotta keep priorities in line
won't be a good day for me, but Happy Easter to all of you