Dent I had the best luck on the 333 strap with my REX that I bought off of drnip. 266 is nice but I had issues with it running tight PL and high bus speed with it. Freezing the NB can gain you some fsb AND maybe run tighter PL. I can't remember all the volts but I think I was at 1.4-1.45v VTT, 1.7v-ish on NB, GTL's -40 -40, PLL 1.7v-ish and that took me all the way to 638-640fsb. I think I was 220+ benchable, but I was only on dice so I hit the limit for the temps. Don't forget your NB clock skew and CPU clock skew. I think at super high fsb I was around 400/200 or the other way around; I can't remember the order. Once you peg that out start playing with the clock delays on each rank and channel. Those are in the advanced memory settings.