Dewar blowing off like a mother
Alright guys some weird ass guy (not the usual) filled my dewar this morning while I waited. He froze the whole top of the damn thing, blow off valves, handles, gauge etc like im talking half an inch of ice rofl. So the whole time one of my blowoff valves is fully blasting the whole drive to work and i figure it still is. Pressure is at 12psi and the blowoff is 10psi so that makes sense. Does this always happen? I usually drop off and pickup the next day so is this normal? The valve stops when I put my finger over it (which I did so it could thaw out a little bit) Temps are high here today too supposed to be 80s so that certainly doesnt help.
2nd place in SPi32m
Originally Posted by Vivi
when those trolls start making love your VGA has no chance!