changed a couple of times to fit forums once typoed as nueromancer.
Either some derivation adding a 0 for an O or neuro42 tieing two of my favorite books together.
Only other nik I remember using is Stoic Sentinel once and probably Hiachi (high school nickname from the Princeton University radio show 'thanx 4 sharin', where I wrote in proclaiming to be the new Islamic messiah) (even created my own version of sanskrit :p (got on a kick after reading the old testament and the koran)
Oddly no Punk name for me, although I did spend a few years hanging in the hardcore/punk circles.
"Don't You understand? This is Greek to me! Except I spek Greek, this is like Aramaic to me, and not the Western Dialect I can read a little." - Dr. Walter Bishop
Special relativity is not "Eat Two Big Macs."