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Old 09-13-2009
MaadDaawg's Avatar
MaadDaawg MaadDaawg is offline
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Cool MaadDaawg's Duelling Banchettos

Well, took a bunch of pics but most of them exceed the size limit allowed here, so I'll post a few and then give you a link to more at NBOC

First pic is of the entire credenza, now known as the home of the Duelling Banchettos

The one on the left is the gamer with water cooled everything. 3 285's on a Classified hydro copper mobo. This is also the second pic - put the two 120 fans on cause I had space, can't hurt I figure lol. The loop goes from resv to pump to feser duo, down to feser quad, on the way up it branches and sends two lines up (one to the CPU and one to the first 285. The cpu loop hits the NB,SB and moffsets then heads down to the Y connector on the resv - the other branch runs through the other cards and down to the same Y connector, and the cycle repeats itself. I put enough tubing on wiring on the quad so I can extend it across the room and sit it in front of the window A/C

The third pic is the bencher with two new EVGA FTW 295's with DD water blocks. The fans on the front and top are to keep the passive sinks on the back of the cards bathed in cool air. The rest is the same as last time I posted it. The Single Phase underneath w/ the evap head coming up behind the rig through a hole in the desktop.

Gotta run to the store for avacados' for dinner :( I'll post the other pics on NBOC later and come back and put in a link...

Bye all
Attached Images
File Type: jpg deulingbanchettos2.jpg (227.5 KB, 28 views)
File Type: jpg thegamer2.jpg (199.5 KB, 25 views)
File Type: jpg thebencher2.jpg (205.3 KB, 24 views)

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