Heya guys, a few of you got a glimpse of the upcoming planned contest to raise funds for the Japanese people after their horrific Earthquake/Tsunami tragedy. Below is a rough sketch of whats planned ahead. We have donation hardware from MSI, a total of 5 mainboards. Vince from Kingpincooling has pledged a few of his industry leading ln2 evaportor pots and we're soliciting other hardware vendors as well. Massman & Hwbot will be providing the submission engine and validation process. We are looking at Sunday March 27, 2011 as the official start date. Contest will go something likes this:
- $5 entry fee via paypal to
Kal-EL@overclockaholics.com ( GIFT ONLY!!! )
- All PAYPAL ENTRY FEES 100% will be forwarded by Kal-EL to the Japan Relief orginization
- use hwbot contest submission engine (Starts Sunday March 27, 2011)
- Any platform single cpu + single GPU (1 Graphics processor)
- 32m and 3DMark2001SE (normal hwbot rules apply)
- 32m prize =
- 3D2001 Prize =
- All valid entrants eligible for weekly random drawing of remaining donated hardware:
880GMA-E45 (2)
890GXM-G65 (2)
Dragon F1 Gemini (1)
Kingpingcooling Tek 9-Fat Boy GPU pot (1)
More random prizes to be announced during competition!
- Runs for 4 weeks (ends April 24th, 2011, 2300 hours or 11pm
Hawaii TIME)
- OCA user registration is wide open for this contest and mandatory to be eligible for entry to contest
- Contestants must post submissions at oca with below dekstop background and have valid hwbot submission links in post