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Old 10-19-2010
kikicoco1334's Avatar
kikicoco1334 kikicoco1334 is offline
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Default [Build Log] kiki's first "NEW" motherbaord..

so i am spamming again now..
yeah sorry kal...

but yeah..
here is the list of my motherbaord i have had during the year of x58 life\

when i very started out
1. i got my i7 both the chip and the intel x58 motherboard from a intel emp site and after selling everything it came with on ebay i end up making like $100
2. after selling the intel pos board, i ebayed my first gigabyte motherboard, GA-EX58-UD4P, after a few weeks of playing with it my friend asked me if i can get him one, so instead i just sold that same board to him for the price i paid for
3. i really liked the GA-EX58-UD4P, with the money my friend gave me i got the same board only lower price... got it for $100 (that's what my paypal saying)
4. i don't know how long did i use that board, i got sick of it.. so sold that board on ebay too... for around $190 something, then got that GA-EX58-EXTREME =) it was awesome and all.. but was not the best
5. i keepet looking as i was on my EXTREME.. and found this ASUS P6T V2 for $123, and everyone on oca went off on me and told me that i was an idiot and sale the stupid pos, so i did, and sold it for 187.50 so that's $63+ =)
6. after that i didn't give up, after days and days of looking i found this Rampage 2 Extreme board, it was 132.. i though i got a really GREAT deal.. NOT! turned out it was a pos too... after days of getting bitched at + few days of running on it, yeah it was not the best thing ever... it's good, but wasn't great so as up to last night my 0130hr, i sold this motherboard for 185 on ebay, so after paying ebay and shipping that's around 170ish...

and now...
Intel DX58SO
Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD4P
Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD4P
Gigabyte GA-EX58-EXTREME
Asus P6T V2
Asus Rampage II Extreme

so that's 6 different X58 motherbaords...
and i am just sick of looking for a motherboard and not beable to be happy with it...
so now just about 40min ago i just spent my paycheck and got this EVGA X58 Classified 4-Way SLI for 379.99 and there is an 100 MIR
i think it's a really great deal, and it looks great and it's got life time warranty on it

279.99 what's with free shipping
i am done here
and this is gonna be like a build log post for me..
i wil be posting picture and ALL my question for this board..
so please help me out thx.


Last edited by kikicoco1334; 10-19-2010 at 08:35 AM.
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