Got a 180L today. Arrived at 150 psi. I drained 25L out of it to fill up one of my dewars so I woudn't get stuck without LN2 unexpectedly. About 7-8 hours later the thing was popping off at 350psi every 5-10 minutes.
The liquid removal port valve was stuck so I couldn't drain it (not frozen at all). I opened the vent valve and the sucker took 1/2 hour to get the pressure down to 0!
After some effort and some assistance from channel locks, I got the liquid valve to open.
Closed the vent and waiting for pressure to build up again.
Makes me nervous to have a damn bomb sitting in my garage popping off at 350psi every few's loud too.
Is this normal? My last 180L rental never popped off. (Of course, it was gone in a few days........was more like an 80 L rental...)
It exists!