Looks like my webcam will be here thursday...
I got the LN2 already, but I can wait 48 hours... err 36 hours...
Also give me an opportunity to test the storage capability of this device. Want to make sure our superhero is getting a good unit. I think so its been 8 hours already and the outside of the container is cool to the touch.
Ustream or livestream? I got great UL speed. (~4Mb/s) Its a cheap cam though think 640x480 res? Says 1280x1024 but apparently you have to hack it... and I wont have time for that...
Screen or system more important? What do you want to see?
play list requests will also be entertained...maybe....if I can remember how to run live audio and streamed audio feeds together. Shouldn't be too difficult. Might need to push off to friday for that TBH.
http://www.livestream.com/ocaneuromancer?t=384948 is my channel