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Water Cooling Chilled And Ambient Setups...

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Old 04-12-2009
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Kal-EL Kal-EL is offline
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Default Quick Change Mcgraw w/Koolance Gear

So I'm pretty much done with single 8800ultra runs on the 790i FTWanalog board (Although I'm convinced I can squeeze 2 or 3 more Hwbot Points per 3dmark).

Now its time to realize the benefits of a well setup Koolance Quick Disconnect Rig. I will be re-arranging the loop so the chiller line can join the chipset and gpu line. Flow is never a problem with the Beefy 24v Alphacool pump and Swiftech 655 in push pull Chiller Config.

1st Off: Take not of the current configuration. The black insulated lines are currently hooked directly out the back of the case to the Chiller for sub-zero temps. The red lines currently run on two ehiem pumps thru a p.a. 120.3 and p.a. 160 rad and cool the chipset. Take notice to the quickdisconnect placements.

Second: We disconnect the power to the gpus

3rd Shot: We put a daiper around the QD's (quick disconnects) that we will remove so that the few drops that leak during disconnect can be caught. Take note of the black head q-tips used to clean out residuals so they don't drip later (Stuffed inside one of the female qd's)

4th up: Again with the bib action around the upper GPU.

5th up: Successful disconnect

6th up: Drainage of the GPU/NB coolant

7th up: Some mini-Shop-Vac action (I love this thing!) to suck out any residual coolant from the block as we'll be removing the bottom fitting to outfit SLI connection.

8th up: And we slide in our other 8800ultra card/block. Affix the tubing/fittings. Be sure not to disturb the uberiffick 6 raptor raid Areca 1220 raid card

9th up: We slip the return line from GPU#2 out the back of the case

10th place: We re-route and connect the mosfet blocks to the existing LCS (liquid cooling system). Then we connect the cpu return to the chipset inlet which leads to GPU#1---->GPU#2-----Return to chiller. Make sure we have clamped up all the fittings CHECK!

11th: Make sure power leads are GTG and we have some protective absorbant cloth to catch condensation drips after each bench session DEFROST PERIOD. Double check we can close the case door so we can pump -2c air thru a sealed case (Helps fight condensation while benching) CHECK!

And that my friends is Soups, ehem, Supes method to quickly changing out water cooling hardware. I might add that the Koolance Quick Disconnects do not appear to have a drastic impact on flow. It has worked out great so far.
What kind of community do you intend to re-build?
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Last edited by Kal-EL; 08-12-2010 at 12:26 PM.
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