heh heh old days for "me" modding was 2002/3 I remember when PC's I ran as a kid were all caseless (well at least 90% of my Dad's rigs were). No Cat's allowed, but we are talking 80's. First PC we had in the house (I was too little to touch.. must have been 74/75) was actually built out of wood, out of the back of a magazine probably...
And well...
Aside from the first... filtering is all about pressure... use a purely filtered positive air design it would be fine. My designs could not run negative with filtered intakes... as it would have been too restrictive cuz I was not air tight...(First one especially) Really looking back if that PC was not scratch built over 3 years... would never have done that first setup at all.
Was great clocker though, not as good as Freeagents Barton core of course.. t-breds were not that great.. but.. he was paying alot more for a mobo that supported his CPU too... (I am a cheap ass)
(First and second mods are same components basically if not identically, just summer/winter setups, I had a window to open to let in the cold air if I wanted higher clocks)
"Don't You understand? This is Greek to me! Except I spek Greek, this is like Aramaic to me, and not the Western Dialect I can read a little." - Dr. Walter Bishop
Special relativity is not "Eat Two Big Macs."
Last edited by Neuromancer; 07-11-2009 at 09:29 PM.